Baby Boomers Plus Right Sizing
As Seniors Real Estate Specialist we are qualified to address the needs of home Buyers and Sellers aged 50-plus.
We will provide you with a customized approach to your real estate needs. We have the knowledge and expertise to counsel you through the major financial and lifestyle transitions involved in relocating, refinancing, or selling your family's home.
We offer you the opportunity to complete a real estate transaction with patience, professionalism, and expertise you deserve.
Generation different wants, needs and buying habits...
Veterans or Traditionalists Born between 1922 and 1945
Veterans are hard working, lived through the great depression & war times. Have paid their dues. They value authority, loyalty & expertise. Many Veterans still want to remain homeowners. Some will "age in place" & retrofit their home. Others will purchase with all conveniences close by.
Veterans want to be kept in the loop, and like frequent communication. They prefer face to face communication. They often have their Baby Boomers or Gen X kids are pushing them to downsize. They often tend to moved to areas where shopping, recreation or senior centres close by or walking distance.
Baby Boomers Born between 1946 and 1965
Baby Boomers are characterized as a career oriented group that have a "live to work" mentality. They are results driven, team players that are rediscovering the excitement of life & have the resources to live out their adventures.
Baby Boomers are divided into 2 sections; the Early Boomers and the late Boomers. Early Boomers may be rethinking their plans for retirement due to the economy in recent years and the Late Boomers may be supporting older kids who stay home longer and aging parents that require their support, they are known are the "sandwich generation".
The Senior Real Estate Specialist SRES® Designation is awarded by the SRES® Council, a subsidiary of the National Association of Realtors® (NAR)