If you're one of the many who continue to find yourself sequestered in your home, attempting to manage your work obligations amidst a busy household, you may be open to hearing some suggestions about how to increase your productivity.
- Define your space. If you haven't already done so, establish a designated workspace that doesn't serve double duty as a common area with the rest of the family. Keep it neat and organized; you'll find that a well-organized workspace reduces stress and promotes efficiency.
- Keep up appearances. Working from home doesn't mean you should neglect basic personal maintenance, or stay in your pyjamas all day long! You will find that dressing for work promotes a more productive mindset, while sending a subtle message to your family or housemates that you're "at work" and therefore not to be needlessly interrupted.
- Create a formal schedule. Include regular mental health breaks as well as stretching and exercise sessions in your day.
- Recreate social time with coworkers. Use a social networking app to catch up on regular water cooler conversations, as well as to exchange tips and strategies that are helping you get through your days.
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